Inner Radiance Qigong Weekend

Inner Radiance Qigong Weekend

Inner Radiance Qigong is a flowing set of nine postures that open and strengthen the deep muscles of the body creating an overall physical integration and increased energy flow. The gentle, flowing movements allow body healing, deep transformation, and peace of mind....
Inner Radiance Qigong Weekend

Inner Radiance Qigong ~ an introduction

Begin your weekend with an invigorating and rejuvenating practice of Inner Radiance Qigong! Linda will guide you through an hour long introduction and you’ll leave with tools to support you in self regulating your energy ♥ $10 If...

Full Moon Celebration at Spa Solage

Celebrate this spring moon with movement, music and magic!  The energy of the full moon can be used to build strength and realize true desires.  This workshop will guide you to find an intention and then energize it though qigong, writing and movement.   Enjoy a soak...